
Concatenate datasets to a single array store

In the previous notebooks, we’ve seen how to incrementally create a collection of scRNA-seq datasets and train models on it.

Sometimes we want to concatenate all datasets into one big array to speed up ad-hoc queries for slices for arbitrary metadata.

This is also what CELLxGENE does to create Census: a number of .h5ad files are concatenated to give rise to a single tiledbsoma array store (CELLxGENE: scRNA-seq).

import lamindb as ln
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
from functools import reduce

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 connected lamindb: testuser1/test-scrna
 created Transform('oJN8WmVrxI8m0000'), started new Run('pPv5pCtB...') at 2025-03-10 13:27:14 UTC
 notebook imports: lamindb==1.2.0 pandas==2.2.3 scanpy==1.11.0 tiledbsoma==1.15.7

Query the collection of h5ad files that we’d like to concatenate into a single array.

collection = ln.Collection.get(name="My versioned scRNA-seq collection", version="2")
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└── General
    ├── .uid = 'M5hB1OJJaQESfJCE0001'
    ├── .key = 'My versioned scRNA-seq collection'
    ├── .hash = 'luH-jPb6eJLsXvc1TWGpUg'
    ├── .version = '2'
    ├── .created_by = testuser1 (Test User1)
    ├── .created_at = 2025-03-10 13:26:41
    └── .transform = 'Standardize and append a dataset'

Prepare the AnnData objects

To concatenate the AnnData objects into a single tiledbsoma.Experiment, they need to have the same .var and .obs columns.

# load a number of AnnData objects that's small enough to fit into memory
adatas = [artifact.load() for artifact in collection.ordered_artifacts]

# compute the intersection of columns for these objects
var_columns = reduce(
    pd.Index.intersection, [adata.var.columns for adata in adatas]
)  # this only affects metadata columns of features (say, gene annotations)
var_raw_columns = reduce(
    pd.Index.intersection, [adata.raw.var.columns for adata in adatas]
obs_columns = reduce(
    pd.Index.intersection, [adata.obs.columns for adata in adatas]
)  # this actually subsets features (dataset dimensions)

Prepare the AnnData objects for concatenation. Prepare id fields, sanitize index names, intersect columns, drop .obsp, .uns and columns that aren’t part of the intersection.

for i, adata in enumerate(adatas):
    del adata.obsp  # not supported by tiledbsoma
    del adata.uns  # not supported by tiledbsoma

    adata.obs = adata.obs.filter(obs_columns)  # filter columns to intersection
    adata.obs["obs_id"] = (
    )  # prepare a column for tiledbsoma to use as an index
    adata.obs["dataset"] = i = None

    adata.var = adata.var.filter(var_columns)  # filter columns to intersection
    adata.var["var_id"] = adata.var.index = None

    drop_raw_var_columns = adata.raw.var.columns.difference(var_raw_columns)
    adata.raw.var.drop(columns=drop_raw_var_columns, inplace=True)
    adata.raw.var["var_id"] = adata.raw.var.index = None

Create the array store

Save the AnnData objects in one array store referenced by an Artifact.

soma_artifact = ln.integrations.save_tiledbsoma_experiment(
    description="tiledbsoma experiment",
Hide code cell output
 Writing the tiledbsoma store to /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/test-scrna/.lamindb/roFxxVAGSykyFxuc.tiledbsoma


Provenance is tracked by writing the current run.uid to tiledbsoma.Experiment.obs as lamin_run_uid.

If you know tiledbsoma API, then note that save_tiledbsoma_experiment() abstracts over both and

Query the array store

Here we query the obs from the array store.

with as soma_store:
    obs = soma_store["obs"]
    var = soma_store["ms"]["RNA"]["var"]

    obs_columns_store = obs.schema.names
    var_columns_store = var.schema.names

    obs_store_df =

Hide code cell output
soma_joinid cell_type obs_id dataset lamin_run_uid
0 0 classical monocyte CZINY-0109_CTGGTCTAGTCTGTAC 0 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
1 1 T follicular helper cell CZI-IA10244332+CZI-IA10244434_CCTTCGACATACTCTT 0 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
2 2 memory B cell Pan_T7935491_CTGGTCTGTACATGTC 0 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
3 3 alveolar macrophage Pan_T7980367_GGGCATCCAGGTGGAT 0 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
4 4 naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta ... Pan_T7935494_ATCATGGTCTACCTGC 0 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
... ... ... ... ... ...
1713 1713 CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regula... CAGACAACAAAACG-7 1 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
1714 1714 effector memory CD45RA-positive, alpha-beta T ... ACAGTGTGTACTGG-3 1 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
1715 1715 CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regula... GAGGGTGACCTATT-1 1 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
1716 1716 CD56-positive, CD161-positive immature natural... AGTAATTGGCTTAG-3 1 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm
1717 1717 CD34-positive, CD56-positive, CD117-positive c... AATGAGGATGGTTG-4 1 pPv5pCtBkoI0YKxMBulm

1718 rows × 5 columns

Append to the array store

Prepare a new AnnData object to be appended to the store.

!lamin save adata_to_append.h5ad --description "adata to append"
Hide code cell output
 connected lamindb: testuser1/test-scrna
 saved: Artifact(uid='OnrAvn1QlqnEmUoi0000', is_latest=True, description='adata to append', suffix='.h5ad', otype='AnnData', size=46992, hash='IJORtcQUSS11QBqD-nTD0A', space_id=1, storage_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2025-03-10 13:27:23 UTC)
 storage path: /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/test-scrna/.lamindb/OnrAvn1QlqnEmUoi0000.h5ad
adata = ln.Artifact.filter(description="adata to append").one().load()


adata.obs["obs_id"] = adata.obs.index
adata.var["var_id"] = adata.var.index

adata.obs["dataset"] = obs_store_df["dataset"].max()

obs_columns_same = [
    obs_col for obs_col in adata.obs.columns if obs_col in obs_columns_store
adata.obs = adata.obs[obs_columns_same]

var_columns_same = [
    var_col for var_col in adata.var.columns if var_col in var_columns_store
adata.var = adata.var[var_columns_same]

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/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/anndata/_core/ UserWarning: Variable names are not unique. To make them unique, call `.var_names_make_unique`.

Append the AnnData object from disk by revising soma_artifact.

soma_artifact = ln.integrations.save_tiledbsoma_experiment(
Hide code cell output
 Writing the tiledbsoma store to /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/test-scrna/.lamindb/roFxxVAGSykyFxuc.tiledbsoma

Update the array store

Add a new embedding to the existing array store.

# read the data matrix
with as soma_store:
    ms_rna = soma_store["ms"]["RNA"]
    n_obs = len(soma_store["obs"])
    n_var = len(ms_rna["var"])
    X = ms_rna["X"]["data"].read().coos((n_obs, n_var)).concat().to_scipy()

# calculate PCA embedding from the queried `X`
pca_array = sc.pp.pca(X, n_comps=2)
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/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/anndata/_core/ FutureWarning: AnnData previously had undefined behavior around matrices of type <class 'scipy.sparse._coo.coo_matrix'>.In 0.12, passing in this type will throw an error. Please convert to a supported type.Continue using for this minor version at your own risk.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)

Open the array store in write mode and add PCA.

with"w") as soma_store:

See array store mutations

During the append-to and update operations, the data in the array store was changed. LaminDB automatically tracks these revisions recording the number of objects, hashes, and provenance.

Hide code cell output
uid key description suffix kind otype size hash n_files n_observations _hash_type _key_is_virtual _overwrite_versions space_id storage_id schema_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id _aux _branch_code
5 roFxxVAGSykyFxuc0000 None tiledbsoma experiment .tiledbsoma None tiledbsoma 15089692 Q4eEJ6X_JudGbt2sLykijA 157 1718.0 md5-d True True 1 1 None None False 6 2025-03-10 13:27:19.461000+00:00 1 None 1
7 roFxxVAGSykyFxuc0001 None tiledbsoma experiment .tiledbsoma None tiledbsoma 15103318 zIerpjbb_KliSZHyvN1-CA 188 1758.0 md5-d True True 1 1 None None False 6 2025-03-10 13:27:24.216000+00:00 1 None 1
8 roFxxVAGSykyFxuc0002 None tiledbsoma experiment .tiledbsoma None None 15124133 ktcO8JP0-XiQBYFnJv5PAg 197 NaN md5-d True True 1 1 None None True 6 2025-03-10 13:27:24.869000+00:00 1 None 1

View lineage of the array store

Check the generating flow of the array store.



For the underlying API, see the tiledbsoma documentation.